Help us tackle the learning crisis in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan’s education system has been devastated by the decades of war and the current humanitarian crisis. Children are among the biggest victims of endemic poverty. With Afghan livelihoods threatened, many families inevitably are forced into choosing survival over pursuing an education.

Everyday, tens of thousands of children, including those orphaned by conflict, roam the streets of Afghanistan, begging or working desperately to earn money needed for themselves and their families. Estimated one million Afghan children engaged in labour by Save the Children report.

Primary schools have reopened, and have in fact seen a rise in attendance following the improvement in security in rural parts of the country, but it’s not clear when or if girls 12 year older will be allowed back into class.

The secondary schools have remained closed for girls. A new analysis by Save the Children, UNICEF and its Education Cluster partners has assessed who has returned to school in the past month across Afghanistan. The report shows the majority of secondary school girls — about 850,000 out of 1.1 million — are not attending classes. For many children going to school remains a distant dream.


BRD Education and training icon

Support the education of vulnerable Afghan children

We help vulnerable children by sponsoring their education. We help them to register at school and pay for basic school materials. We also provide direct vocational training to the kids, and we offer their families opportunities to get involved with other BRD projects so that their children can go to school.


children were sponsored and benefited from the program .


eAcademy - Online courses

While many students around the world transitioned to online learning during the pandemic, economically disadvantaged Afghan children have fallen further behind as their access to digital learning/online education has been limited at best.

Providing broader access to digital learning across Afghanistan can play a critical role in building a strong academic foundation for Afghanistan’s youth.

Our goal is to help bridge the gap of digital learning and develop online learning which provides the opportunities to youths, children and youth and adults a self-paced learning environment relevant to their knowledge level and needs.

This project is in the development stage. We are looking for support in term of both expertise and also necessary financial resources to be able to provide computers equipment and the cost of internet to student, who might not afford to by computer and access to internet.


Financial and social education for children

We conduct activities and workshops in non-formal centres to teach about their rights and responsibilities in the communities and the basic idea of how to manage both financial matters, establish social enterprises and save the environment.

Teaching children financial and social responsibility at a young age will build positive habits and relationships with communities that can yield much better adult decisions.


children between 12-15 have participated and completed the program.

Afghanistan school


Get inspired, get involved, become a donor and give a family a fair chance to succeed. DONATE

We are currently unable to accept donations by credit card. We are working to make this option available as soon as possible.

To donate, please contact us at info@brd.org.af.

Thank you for your understanding at this difficult time!

BRD Team